Direct access to the users & buyers of your equipment

Be part of the fastest growing network designed specifically for industrial plant, Construction, & Mining equipment.

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FeaturinG Equipment from













Your entire market, talking equipment in one spot

Imagine a platform designed entirely around Construction & Mining equipment, allowing Manufacturers like you to...

tick bullet point with yellow background
Reach your market easily & directly
tick bullet point with yellow background
Receive real user feedback, unfiltered, in real-time.
tick bullet point with yellow background
See first hand issues faced by operators, maintainers, engineers, owners & suppliers
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Get aggregated data on your equipment and competitors alike
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torqn mining operator standing in background using phone to discussing excavator on torqn
smiling woman manager for mine site smiling with arms crossed in corporate wear after using torqn app to speak to other mining users
engineer stephanie wong in orange overalls and with clipboard happy after using Torqn Global Knowledge Platform
tradesperson cooper smith in blue overalls holding a screwdriver happy after using Torqn Global Knowledge Platform & App for the mining industry
mining equipment excavator yellow discussed and reviewed on Torqn the Global Knowledge network for mining industry

Get info & answers to end-users instantly

Torqn instantly connects OEM's like you to all stakeholders in the Mining & Constructon industry enabling your voice and a stage to:

tick bullet point with yellow background
Improve customer service & better satisfy your user's needs
tick bullet point with yellow background
Get correct and up-to-date information out publicly quickly & directly
tick bullet point with yellow background
Develop a strong brand and develop fruitful relationships in the equipment community
tick bullet point with yellow background
Demonstrate your commitment to better equipment to win market share
response from manufacturer on the Torqn App verified original equipment manufacturer OEM responding and providing answer to Coopers Smiths problem with excavator
problem post from mining equipment operator about an error code on his excavator asking the world about how to solve the problem on Torqn the Global Knowledge Network for equipment
smiling man from torso up holding ipad and using Torqn the Global Platform for Equipment and Mining Plant crowd sourcing solution to his equipment issue

Get aggregated data on equipment

With Torqn, Manufacturers can access data insights about their equipment and the industry like never before:

tick bullet point with yellow background
Get metrics based on problems, improvements, safety & more, based on equipment type, location, engagement-activity, process etc
tick bullet point with yellow background
Identify the most pressing problems to be resolved
tick bullet point with yellow background
Measure the pulse of your brand's reputation and perception in the market
tick bullet point with yellow background
See gaps & opportunity in the market based on real data
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aggregated data dashboard on equipment oem manufacturer to get performance equipment metrics for their equipment
problems by equipment type data dashboard corporate insights minecorp OEM on the torqn global mining platform users
detail popup of equipemtn - problem with dozer total 97 posts, 25 problems, 18 solved, 6 unsolved, view problems post button
corporate insights dashboard showing graphs, data, statistics and performance metrics on a manufacturers equipment in the real world, reviews, rankings and collaboration metrics























A global R&D community at your fingertips

Imaging stacking your RnD pipeline for the next ten years...

Think of the the Torqn community as your own global RnD team on the front line serving you practical ideas to improve your equipment:

tick bullet point with yellow background
View practical improvements on existing equipment to improve usability, safety, efficiency and uptime
tick bullet point with yellow background
Source innovative ideas for future equipment developments
tick bullet point with yellow background
Receive real reports and reviews on equipment, saving you thousands on user groups, research teams and in-field studies
torqn response from manufacturer adopting idea innovation improvement from a service tradesperson in their next years model
hannah lane commented on the torqn app "clever hack - let's hope we see this in the future models of the dump truck @manufacturer"
an improvement post by a engineer shown on the Torqn Global Mining Equipment App moving a engine coolant temp sensor to a different spot to avoid kinks
mining engineer tradesperson with beard operator torqn user dean bowman standing with arms crossed looking stern
a world map in the background

Why join Torqn?

How Torqn can help your brand & products, and bottom line

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Level up your equipment

Absorb user feedback, adopt smart ideas, and be first-to-market with clever innovations

Build better equipment for users

see your equipment reviews button black appearing in the torqn app fro oem manufacturers
corporate man oem manufacturer ceo executive folding arms and smiling because his equipment is receiving positive negative reviews 5 star 4 star 3 star on the Torqn App
a 5 star review was posted about your equipment notification for oem  mining equipment manufacturer on Torqn
a continuos miner piece of mining equipment that features on the torqn mining equipment community knowledge platrform mobile app

Keep track of your competitors

Stay in the loop about your competitor's performance and user base & brand perception

Stay on top of what others are doing

a blue see operating post button shown in the torqn equipment mobile app
female woman manager keeping track of the mining oem manufacturer competitors on torqn app looking devious
notification torqn - a kolbeco sk500 improvement post is trending on torqn view operating post
cutout of a kobleco sk500 excavator used by torqn user and mining equipment operator
komatsu D275AX safety alert - electrica hazard safety post notification as seen in the safety torqn mining app
picture of a mining operator holding an iphone showing a safety alert post on Torqn's mining equipment app platform knowledge network

Push out updates & safety alerts

Get important updates and alerts to end-users directly and quickly

Talk to your end-users instantly

a magnified bubble on the review screen on the torqn app showing ranking of oem and overall rating of an excavator based on user reviews and feedback
torqn equipment mining review for an excavator in review section of the torqn app allowing oems to maintain their brand image and perception on iphone and android

Bolster your brand reputation and perception

Maintain and improve your brand in the market by engaging directly with your focus groups

Gain a loyal brand following & customer base

Save thousands on research

Get real user feedback and data on your equipment at a fraction of the cost

Rich data and real user posts about your equipment

view insights button on the torqn app corporate insights
tradesperson or engineer in hard hat reviewing the engagement of a piece of mining equipment in the torqn app. the notification says the articulated truck has 41 posts, 374 comments, 12312 views that month
notification from manufacturer about equipment insights and engagement metrics found on the corporate insights dashboard on torqn
volvo articulated dump truck in the background

Join the rapidly growing community today

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